DOEDELS4YOU Irresistible Lovely Romeo
AKA Romeo

Meet Doedels4You Irresistible Lovely Romeo, AKA Romeo Born 6/7/21, mini ALD. He weights 12 kg. and is 46 cm to his withers Apricot, silk fleece fur, black nose. Thank you Anoeska de Bekker of Doedels4you of The Netherlands for this wonderful boy that I collected in Oct. 2021. He is a confident, independent little guy who tried "running" the girls from the first moment. Romeo is now living with a wonderful guardian family, where he has a "brother" Chewie. They get along very well, although Romeo is full of energy and loves to play. He is very intelligent and quick to learn. He can play with his toys for hours, but also loves to cuddle and snuggle. He loves to be outside and investigate new things.
WALA reg. nr. WALA00071410
Farge/kode: rød/BB, ee, at/a, Kb/ky, S/sp
Nese: svart
Størrelse: liten medium
Pels type: fleece
EIC: clear
Degenerative Myelopathy (DM): clear
PRA: clear
Von Willebrands type 1: clear
HD/Hips: OFA final,
AD/elbows: OFA final,
Øyelysning/Yearly eye test: clear
DNA: PPG 273687